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  • Writer's pictureAdithya Raghavan

The cold, hard truth about data

Updated: Jan 5

Many Decision makers bearing the baton of purchasing power have been lied to about the true information about their spend data. Surely, the MDM and BI tools or products in a Fortune company's shelves are expensive and sophisticated. IT products offer eye pleasing charts of motivation to leadership boards. It always seem to work wonders when the IT team explains the power and capability of their tool; how it is leveraged by other example global fortune companies, governments and leading  institutions. In real life, after acquiring such products for data mining, enrichment, analysis or data validation, not so much. To me, it is like a sugar craze. When you listen to the IT consultant who talks about just his one stop shop IT tool, it offers an immediate rush, only to burn out shortly thereafter, once purchased and deployed. The power becomes a reality only when aligned with the right 'services' and not just the 'product'.

There is an entire industry of data tools, and endless list of industry leading tools however my advise is, stop looking for answers outside when the answer is all within your data. And nothing like having a human mind to have a look at it, decipher it and get a view of it. There is an old saying, without the right questions, you don't get the right answers. With the right talent, one can outline something very meaningful and vastly beneficial, that will be key to business success.

A focus on Quality Data Processing

Start out, set a content goal, study your data, analyse it from all angles and a plan to go forward. Well, not really so simple. This requires you to constantly grind away at doing hard, dirty work to reach your goals. This calls for you to work when you are tired, sick, hungover, not in the mood, having a bad day or just want to sit and watch a game. 

It is not glamorous and quite tedious, day in and day out, but this is the reality of how to succeed with data mining or data management. Tools do aid in bits and pieces but no one spell to cast all magic. It’s just the data team pushing themselves, everyday, all the time. That’s the secret. There are no crowds cheering on you as you do data manipulation, study or analysis. But after all the penance, when the recommendation comes out, after the thousands of hours of grunt work doing mundane data tasks, slowly and methodically, the results get you one step closer to succeeding. And the fancy tools in the shelf can be used to re-design, architect, cut and slice data, make them behave the way you want, along the way, with results achievable only when you have the right 'services' partner.

At DatBot, our data services team keeps constantly striving, even though mentally and emotionally we at times want a break. It is an ironic contradiction and a paradox. We have got used to striving for a goal with data at our midst and doing all the grunt work (under the right supervision and data leadership). It’s not easy, but nobody ever became successful by taking the easy path. 

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