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  • Writer's pictureAdithya Raghavan

Top 4 ways you are wasting data

If you find it takes you much longer to complete the working on your data or meet deadlines than your co-workers, you need to examine how you are spending your time at it and consider you can become more efficient.

Dis-Organized Data:

Invest some time now in getting organized, than constantly wasting time playing catch up.


Wasting time because you don't want to do something when you could have already completed the task within the time you've wasted is time you won't get back. The sooner you begin, the sooner you will be finished with data so you will have to make a habit of getting first things first, in an efficient manner.


Worrying is a waste of good energy.

Fear to jump in when your data is out of your hands requires you to let it be and focus on other things. It simply is not productive to just freak out about a solution when the same energy can be applied elsewhere.


You could spend the majority of your day answering, sending and checking emails or social media. Designate certain times of your day for dealing with your data and leave your distractions alone outside those times, unless it is urgent.

Remember, sometimes when it is a tough day with errors and exceptions, logout of your work, relax, go to sleep, wake up in the morning, re-login and try again. IT MAY JUST WORK ! With the exact same attempts at your data file in the exact same method. Close!!!

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